The question of having a Pipe Band was brought to the Legion Branch membership in the year 1969. Comrade Sydney (Bus) Featherstone was given the go-ahead by the general body in January 1969, as such a band was thought necessary to accompany our Colour Guard in their many parades. Bus Featherstone was appointed Pipe Major and Art Culp was appointed Drum Major
In May 1969 the first students joined the Band. Although all of the original Band members have retired or passed on, the band is still very active in teaching Pipes and Drums to any who wish to learn and participate in a great hobby.
In 1971 due to poor health, Pipe Major Featherstone had to step down. The position of Pipe Major went to Hugh McLean Jr. under who's direction the band went on to their first "glories" for the Band and RCL Branch 163.
Hugh McLean left the Band in 1976, but shortly thereafter the Pipe Band once again had a new Pipe Major, Bob Morrow, who served in that capacity until 1977. The reigns were then handed over to Pipe Major, Norm Stronach who led the band until 1980. From 1980 until 1982, the band was under the direction of Pipe Major Ian Drummond.
In 1982 Piper Major John McCaffrey took the reigns of the band and under his leadership the Band continued to win various awards in Ontario and trophies in the U.S.A.
In 1997 Gary Woods took over the reigns of Piper Major, stepping down in 2003.
Since the year 2003, Pipe Major Bob Spolnik has directed the band, and under his leadership the Band has continued to excel and grow to its current size of 26 members (13 Pipers, 9 Drummers, 2 Student Pipers, and 2 Student Drummers).
The Pipe Band has had the privilege of playing with the Canadian Massed Bands at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland during both the August, 2001 and 2007 performances. This was quite a thrill for those who were able to attend.
In the year 2009 the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 163 Pipes & Drums proudly celebrated its 40th Anniversary.